The rule of thumb is that, basically, there are two controller settings. I no longer have troubles with the controller setup, but it's easy to see how newcomers get some trouble with it.

I've been using RetroArch for so long it's easy to take for granted stuff I've learned on how to use it. What has RA brought to the table ? A brittle intermediate layers, full of nasty traps. At worst, the functionality is not offered, and we are done with the topic, with no additional tear nor wasted efforts. Several core's developer also offer their own stand-alone version, and when I use these versions, there is Never such drama. But when it's so bad, one has to wonder : what kind of "service" it actually offers ? It channels the Excellent work of Core's programmer into a defined environment, on the ground that it provides all the glue about "secondary" problems such as rom presentation, video modes, and yes, the "glue" includes controller setting. I'm at such a point that I wish RA would not exist. Who finds that NORMAL ? What's the moron which designs an interface as a set of minefields, and considers his job done if there is a small chance for a user to get it right with enough luck and experience, and retract behind "user's fault" blame game whenever one of the hidden mines get triggered ? So long for wasting so much time on getting all your targets working nicely after hours of careful parameter testing, it's all gone now. And the funny part ? It's Not Even Enough !!! More than once, the problem is not even solved by erasing the main retroarch conf, and requires basically to erase everything to get a fresh start. And the only advise that comes over and over is : "let's just reset EVERYTHING, let's just erase the dozens of hours of work you have put into this brittle config, yes, that's NORMAL". Looking for help on multiple forums, hundreds of people complaining about the same problem for Years. Try to fix it nonetheless, and the system becomes unresponsive. Looked at all the menus and config files dealing with that shit, they don't make sense, throwing code after code after code, with no explanation. Looked at doc, they should be, they are not. Now trying to play ? Something feels immediately wrong, and yes, basically half the button are unmapped.

The core itself ? Great, flawless, excellent emulation. Last issue in point : let's just connect a simple ultra-classical Xbox controller to play a Saturn title with YabaSanshiro. No other emulator ever gave me such headache. Nasty consequences for the slightest mistake. I can't count the nb of HOURS lost on this seemingly simple problem. Over the last 2 decades, I've tested several dozens of emulators for various targets, but on the topic of controller setting, none come even close. RetroArch offers the worst experience for controller setting.