Note, this add-on requires the Steam version of Aerosoft’s Airbus A318/A319 and Airbus A320/A321. FsPassengers is an add-on for Flight Simulator that will completely revolutionize the way you fly in Flight Simulator (FSX or FS9). I mean, some of the features FSP had were pretty neat (especially hearing passengers screaming :D) but FSCaptain has almost no bugs compared to the huge mess that FSP used to be (and probably will be even after this update). You can interact with your virtual flight, cabin and ground crews using joystick, keyboard button presses or your voice - Global FO Voice Set is also included which provides you with 7 brand new First Officer voices! ago I already switched to FSCaptain and I don't think I'll be coming back to FSP. Portal Search Quick Search: Thread Rating: 0 Vote(s) - 0 Average. Make your Aerosoft Airbus experience more immersive and more realistic with Button Control and Voice Control. FsPassengers Forums Flight Simulators FSX General. The request is for the identical material, and now you have simply asked for an updated link. Fspassengers For Fsx Steam Edition Torrent Or Any To discover your version and see if an update is obtainable Release FSX and click on the FsPassengers menus and select About FsPassengers - the version date will be situated at the top of this dialog. Please do not create a new thread just because the links in another do not work anymore. OctoFSPASSENGER X + CRACK FSPassengers adds a lot of realism to the empty, and therefore unchallenging, world of Flight Simulators.

The FS2Crew Airbus Tools include FS2Crew’s Button Control, Voice Control and Global FO Voice Set for the Aerosoft Airbus series. workerbee edited 00:29 am this post because.